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How to Visit Jordan

Take a trip to Jordan and see another part of the world. See the Golden Temple from Indiana Jones or take a dip in the Dead Sea. Jordan, located in the Middle East, is surrounded by 5 countries. Visit Jordan for an historic adventure to another land.


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      Look at a map. Jordan is surrounded by 5 other countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon and Iraq. Decide where you want to visit, keeping in mind any political strife in neighboring countries.

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      Determine your point of entry. You may not be able to enter the country from all sides. You want to enter where it is safest.

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      Check the travel advisories for the time you plan to visit. You want to make sure the country is safe. You may not be insured if you travel against a travel advisory. Ask a travel agent which travel papers you need such as a passport and a visa. Keep your documents with you at all times.

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      Know Jordan's customs. For instance, if you travel in the month of Ramadan, there is no alcohol allowed outside of your hotel so you might not want to go then.

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      Heed Jordan's expectations. Most of the country is Muslim so women wear traditional burkas. Although foreign women do not have to wear the burka, women are expected to dress discreetly. Bathing suits are worn at hotels but no bathing suits or shorts are worn outside of the grounds.

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      Be prepared for the weather. Jordan can get up to 40 or 50 degrees Celsius during the day. Nights can be as warm as 30 degrees Celsius. Most seasons are warm to hot but bring a jacket or sweater because it can get cold at night in Jordan.

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      Visit popular tourist spots like Aquaba which is at the bottom of Jordan and Amman which is at the top. See Petra, one of the new famous wonders of the world. The beautiful treasury at Petra was depicted in the Indiana Jones movie.

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      Travel through the desert at Wadirum where Lawrence of Arabia was filmed. Go to the Dead Sea and see the lowest point on earth. The water is so full of salt that it is said that you cannot drown in the Dead Sea.

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      Find out about local currency. You can use money and credit cards in most places. Tipping is not expected but welcomed.

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      Research the places, the people, the history and the customs at websites listed in the Resources section below.

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