What Kind of Animals & Plants Live in the Rainforest?

The Amazon rainforest covers 60% of Brazil and smaller percentages in Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Some of the most fascinating creatures in the world can be found in the rainforest. The Amazon rainforest is home to the largest number of species in the world. Much of the flora and fauna is unlike anything many of us have ever seen. Due to deforestation, climate change, habitat loss and hunting, many of the species are endangered. It is important that we do everything we can to conserve these rare and magnificent species.
  1. The Pink Amazonian River Dolphin

    • The pink river dolphin, known as the boto to locals, is a freshwater dolphin that lives in the waters of the Amazon. The brain of the pink Amazonian dolphin is 40 percent larger than a human's brain. These dolphins can turn their heads 180 degrees and instead of a dorsal fin, they have a hump on their backs. Their diet consists of turtles, crabs, catfish and other crustaceans.

      The boto is surrounded by Amazonian legend. Many locals believe the dolphins have supernatural powers and will not harm humans. These dolphins do not travel in large pods like saltwater dolphins because they do not have any predators other than humans. Despite the locals' refusal to kill pink river dolphins, these extraordinary creatures are endangered due to habitat loss and overfishing.


    • Capybara

      The capybara is the largest rodent in the world. It is found in the Amazon and spends much of its time in the water. The rodents have small heads and thick bodies; adult capybaras can weigh up to 150 pounds. The capybara is an herbivore and eats water grasses and fruits. Among their many predators are the jaguar, puma, ocelot and the anaconda.

      The capybara can dive deep into the waters of the Amazon and are able to stay under for up to five minutes. In some areas of South America, capybaras are hunted for their skin and meat. Many live as pets or in captivity and can live up to 12 years.


    • Jaguar

      Jaguars, the largest of the wild cats in the Amazon, hunt for food in the water and on land. Among their prey are fish, turtle, deer, capybaras and caimans (small crocodile-like reptiles).They are a tan-orange color with black spots or rosettes. Jaguars weigh up to 250 pounds. Jaguars live and hunt alone and mark their territory by scratching trees.

      Like many other wild cats, jaguars grow tired after running short distances, although they are very fast sprinters. The jaguar is endangered because of habitat loss, deforestation and hunting. Jaguars also hold a special place in local mythology.

    Water Lily

    • Water Lily

      Water lilies are found all over the Amazon and are the biggest flower in the world. Water lilies can appear in many different colors, like white, pink, purple and in some tropical plants, dark blue. The giant Amazon water lily, or Victoria Amazonica, can grow seven feet or more in diameter. They have an odor like pineapples, and the blooms are white.


    • Bromeliad

      The Amazon rainforest is filled with bromeliads; heavy, brightly colored plants. The most well-known bromeliad is the pineapple. Many times, bromeliads cling to rainforest trees. Although the soil quality is poor in the rainforest, bromeliads are prolific in this part of the world.

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