How to Plan a Visit to Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall, also known as the Roman Wall, was built by the Emperor Hadrian to protect the Empire from invasion by the Scottish after his visit in AD 122. Part of the wall remains and is surrounded by forts and milecastles which served as small gates in the wall. There are also other Roman ruins, numerous visitor centres and many museums in the surrounding areas stretching from Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the east to Carlisle in the west, making this the most popular tourist attraction in Northern England.


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      Request a free Information Pack from the Hadrian's Wall Country website or the Hadrian's Wall Information Line on 01434 322 002. This will give you a map and details of all the historic sites in the area as well as other tourist information.

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      Plan your arrival. The main transport hubs for the area are Newcastle and Carlisle, which are well served by air and rail links. You can board the Hadrian's Wall bus at many stations along the route, including Carlisle, Hexham, Haltwhistle and Newcastle. Or, leave your car and join the bus at various car parks including Walltown, Cawfields and Once Brewed.

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      Choose a section of the wall for your visit. Hadrian's Wall can be divided into four sections. The one in Northumberland National Park has a long stretch of remaining wall and the highest concentration of forts and other Roman sites, making it an ideal place to start your visit.

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      Visit the forts. There were 16 permanent bases along the wall, many of which still remain. The best preserved is Housestead's Fort near Haltwhistle and Bardon Mill, with the award-winning fort and museum of Vindolanda nearby. Check the map from your information pack or on the website to see what forts are near your chosen section of the wall.

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      Explore the walking and cycling routes in the area. The Hadrian's Wall Country website has numerous suggested walks and cycling routes in the area surrounding Hadrian's Wall.

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