How to Get the Cheapest Flights to Las Vegas

When flying to Las Vegas, finding the cheapest flights enables tourists to spend more money on the city's famous entertainment, dining and gambling. With more than 20 airlines providing service to and from McCarran International Airport, travelers can choose from an endless combination of flight arrival dates and times that offer the best savings. Spotting the lowest Las Vegas fares may be your first big win.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet access


  1. Research Prices

    • 1

      Determine the airport where you wish to arrive. Although most major carriers fly to McCarran International Airport, other regional airports may provide access within the area at a lower price. When deciding the best deal for you, calculate and add in the cost of ground transportation to and from the regional airport if you are not planning to rent a car. Shuttle and taxi services often charge a flat rate for airport transportation and will list that on their website or give the information to you when you call.

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      Check the origin cities of each airline listed that flies into your chosen arrival airport. The cheapest flight to Las Vegas may originate from your home city or from a city nearby. Factor in the cost of travel and parking to a nearby origin city as part of your total transportation cost.

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      Visit airline websites directly. Keep your origin and destination airports the same on the search page but adjust the travel dates to compare fares. Las Vegas tends to attract tourists on weekends and surrounding days, so traveling on those days may result in higher fares. Add round-trip baggage fees if you will be checking a bag to determine the total cost for the flight.

    • 4

      Compare the fares you find through the airlines directly with fares found on travel booking websites that show multiple airline options. Choose more than one website because the same flight may be priced differently depending on the booking company. Read policies to search for any hidden booking fees that may be added to your total fare when purchasing from each site.

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      Call a travel club, wholesale club or travel agent to compare available deals to what you found in your online research. Ask about group tours. Because Las Vegas attracted nearly 40,000 visitors in 2011, there may be a tour leaving from your area when you want to travel. Groups receive discounts on charter flights, as well as lodging and entertainment.

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