Vacation Beach Houses in Hawaii

When planning your trip to the Hawaiian Islands, you may wish to consider renting a vacation beach house. These are available throughout the islands and can provide you and your family with the perfect opportunity to relax along the shores of Hawaii.
  1. Advantages

    • Renting your own beach house frees you of the bustle often encountered in hotels. Most beach houses have all the facilities of a hotel without the crowd. Additionally, having a house with a full kitchen can greatly reduce the cost of your vacation by allowing you to cook at home. It also provides you with quick and easy access to the beach and a variety of water sports activities.


    • The costs of a beach house vary depending on location and facilities. As of August 2010, Hawaiian beach houses cost anywhere from $150 to $4,000 a night. However, for quick accessibility to the beach with all the comforts of home, you may consider a beach house well worth the cost.

    House Ownership

    • The majority of Hawaiian beach houses are private residences that are managed by rental companies. The owners of these houses typically use them as vacation homes and rent them out in their absence.

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