Travel Gifts for Kids

News of an impending trip typically generates excitement and smiles on children's faces. As pleasing as it will be for the entire family, it is also slightly stressful for the parents. Help ease their concerns by presenting the kids with gifts that enhance the traveling experience. Choose gifts that are easy to transport, take up little space, provide wholesome entertainment and demonstrate a practical use.
  1. Classic Favorites

    • Look back to classic games and toys of the 1960s, '70s and '80s that still grace store shelves after many decades. With car bingo, kids explore their surroundings. Children slide over covers when spotting objects pictured on their cards, such as a gas station, speed limit sign, lake or bridge. By turning two knobs on the popular Etch-a-Sketch, kids produce creative drawings. Older children might find the Rubik's Cube fascinating as they intently focus on solving the challenging, colorful puzzle.

    Electronic Toys

    • Give educational, technological toys, like those from LeapFrog and Mattel, that provide amusement and teach reading, math and other skills. Hand-held portable gaming systems, such as the kid-friendly Nintendo DS, offer multiple age-appropriate video games to keep kids occupied for the majority of a drive or flight. Other ideas include portable DVD players for watching movies and MP3 players or iPods for listening to favorite music.


    • Encourage reading with engaging storybooks for any downtime on vacation. Choose books suitable for a child's current reading level. For second graders and above, find books about their destination. Babies and toddlers are intrigued by running their fingers over textured touch-and-feel books. Also consider coloring books, magnetic books, sticker books and activity books.

    Travel Accessories

    • Make kids feel all grown up with their very own suitcase (with wheels) or travel bag. Look for kid-friendly designs, like animals or popular cartoon, television and movie characters, and personalize the gift with the child's name. Animal-shaped pillows are useful travel items. Find those that wrap around the neck or have an attached blanket.

    Toys and Board Games

    • Present a child with a small toy replica of the mode of transportation being taken (an airplane, car, boat or train) to carry with him while traveling. Small children might find comfort in a new stuffed animal, doll or small action figure if nervous about a plane or train ride. A host of mini travel-sized board games might entertain older children. Pick favorites, like Boggle, Scattergories or Battleship.

    Trip-Related Gifts

    • Choose gifts pertaining to the trip. If visiting the zoo, a sporting event or scenic destination, give toy binoculars. Playful sunglasses or swimwear are ideal for sunny areas. Consider warm hats, clothing or boots for cold, snowy places. Personal memories are captured with kids' digital cameras, which range from $20 on up. While cheaper means lower resolution photos, this won't matter to most kids. Let older children record vacation details in their own words in travel journals, and consider scrapbooks for those who delight in artistically capturing vacation memories.


    • Teach children about money beginning at an early age. Give them their own spending money to buy souvenirs at various places. Mom or dad should hold onto the money and guide the children in spending it wisely.

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