Where Can I Exchange Money?

Changing currency can be a confusing process when preparing for a trip. Your dollar can increase or decrease depending on your destination. Various locations are available to help you understand the exchange rate procedure.

  1. Exchange rates

    • Exchange rates determine the value of your currency in foreign terms. For example, the U.S. dollar is currently valued less than the Euro, which will lower your purchasing power while traveling to European countries.

    Locations to exchange money

    • Various locations offer money exchanging services. Western Union and major banks such as Wachovia offer these services. Airports and travel agencies also allow you to change your currency while traveling or planning your trip.

    Understanding exchange rates

    • The exchange rates of a country fluctuate often. Like the stock market, outside factors can impact a currency's value. Online resources or finance sections of newspapers can give an accurate indication of exchange rates.

    Tips for exchanging money

    • Be sure to check all options when preparing to exchange funds. Any institution will charge fees for their services, so look for the option with the lowest requirements. For example, hotels may charge 20% on the amount of money exchanged.

    Handling the leftover funds

    • Leftover funds may be available at trip's end. Some individuals may change the funds back, keep as souvenirs, gifts or save until their next trip.

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