How to Cruise the Galapagos Without Going Broke

The Galapagos Islands, a province of Ecuador, are famous throughout the world for their biodiversity. The Galapagos Islands are home to many species that are found nowhere else in the world. Charles Darwin even based much of his groundbreaking work, "The Origin of the Species," on his research in the Galapagos Islands. Eco-tourism to the Galapagos Islands has exploded in recent decades, and so have prices. Nevertheless, with an adventurous spirit and a little extra time, you can cruise the Galapagos Islands on a much more reasonable budget than most tourists do.


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      Apply for a passport from your home country. If you already have a passport, make sure that it is valid for at least six months after your departure. If not, you will need to renew it before you can travel. Citizens of the United States and most Western nations do not need a visa to travel to Ecuador for up to 90 days.

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      Go to a major travel agency and inquire about flight tickets to Ecuador using "bucket shops" or flight consolidators (in other words, airline ticket wholesalers). If your travel agent cannot help you, refer to the list of "bucket shops" in the Resources section below. Otherwise, advertisements for wholesale airline tickets to South American destinations can be found in Sunday editions of Spanish language newspapers, particularly in Miami.

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      Purchase a discount air ticket to Guayaquil, Ecuador. You will probably have to change planes in either Miami or Los Angeles, depending on your point of origin. You may also have to disembark in Quito (Ecuador's capital) and make your way to Guayaquil by bus. Keep in mind that even discounted air tickets to South America are more expensive than you might expect. Also remember that in order to get the lowest fare, you may have to fly on short notice or endure long layovers.

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      Use the Internet to book accommodations at a hostel or guest house in Guayaquil that doubles as a discount travel agency (see Resources). These accommodations are not only far cheaper than conventional hotels (private rooms often rent for under $20 per night), but they are good sources of travel information. You don't need to pay for your booking online (in fact, it's not a good idea)--pay in cash when you arrive.

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      Travel to Guayaquil and check into your hostel. Inquire at the attached travel agency about locally-based Galapagos tours. The principle in operation here is well-known among backpackers--the closer you get to the point of departure before booking your trip, the lower the price will be. If you are not satisfied with the price offered by the travel agency, stay in Guayaquil a few days and get to know the local backpackers, because some of them will have been in Ecuador for months and can be a great source of information about discounted tours departing from Guayaquil. Don't expect too much of a discount, though, as the entrance fee alone to the Galapagos Islands park is $100.

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