Covered Bridges in Madison County, Iowa

At the end of the 1800s, covered bridges were a part of every day life; nowadays there are very few covered bridges in the United States. However, if you are visiting Madison County, Iowa, you will find not one but six covered bridges. These bridges bring the past to life.
  1. Roseman Covered Bridge

    • A movie called "The Bridges of Madison County" featured this bridge, which was built by Benton Jones; it is also mentioned in the book of the same name by Robert James Waller. The bridge was built in 1883 and is approximately 107 feet long.

    Holliwell Covered Bridge

    • Holliwell Covered Bridge was a collaboration between C.K. Foster and Benton Jones, who built many of the other covered bridges in Madison County; the bridge was built in 1880 and is about 122 feet.

    Cedar Covered Bridge

    • Another of the bridges built by Benton Jones, in 1883, Cedar covered bridge is 76-feet long. In 2002, the bridge was destroyed; however, in 2004, it was rebuilt. The original bridge is on the cover of Waller's "The Bridges of Madison County."

    Cutler-Donahoe Bridge

    • Built in 1870 by Eli Cox near Bevington and moved to Winterset in 1970, it is 79-feet long and still has some of its original parts.

    Hog Back Covered Bridge

    • H.P. Jones built this bridge in 1884; it was named after the style of bridge it is. It is approximately 97 feet.

    Imes Covered Bridge

    • The oldest of all the covered bridges in Madison County, the Imes is 81 feet. It was built in 1870. It has been moved twice and got its final resting place in 1977.

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