How to Visit Lisbon Portugal

Travelers often pass over Portugal in favor of its flashier neighbor Spain, which is unfortunate. Portugal offers much in the way of cultural, historical and recreational delights. Its capital of Lisbon is a charming city, filled with landmarks dating back to the time the Portuguese empire was at the forefront of world exploration.


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      Examine a curious structure from Lisbon's golden age: the Torre de Belém, south of the Avenida de Brasilia and Avenida da India, in the mouth of the Rio Tejo, where it empties into the Atlantic. This tiny fortress was the starting point for all Portuguese navigators and, in truth, looks like it should be manned by a regiment of toy soldiers. Reached by a gangway from the mainland, the structure includes a terrace, armory, Governor's room, loggia and chapel.

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      Admire Portuguese architecture at its most exuberant at the Mosteiro dos Jeronimos on the Praca do Império. The monastery includes the Church of Santa Maria with the tomb of Vasco da Gama, a chancel containing several royal tombs and, in the same complex, the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, which includes artifacts dating from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. You can also see the Museu de Marinha, or Maritime Museum, filled with ship models, full-sized ships and boats, weapons, armor and nautical equipment and fittings.

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      See one of the best views of the elegant Baixa district by taking the Elevador de Santa Justa at the Rua de Santa Justa, up to Cargo do Carmo. This elaborate oddity was built of iron at the beginning of the 20th century and is topped by a pleasant café.

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      Enjoy a detailed overview of Portuguese art at the Museu Nacional de Arte Antigua at Rua das Janelas Verdes. The holdings here include Portuguese painting from the 16th to 19th centuries, Portuguese sculpture, Oriental and African art, decorative arts, ceramics, textiles, furniture, jewelry and works by such European painters as Dürer and Bosch.

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      Tour the second-largest aquarium on earth: the Oceanario de Lisboa at Esplanada Dom Carlos I, Parque das Nacoes. This ultra-modern structure was built in 1998 and includes four smaller tanks, representing the Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctic and Indian oceans, all clustered around a large central tank, which represents the Global Ocean. Plants, animals, birds, fish and other sea life are displayed in their respective ecosystems. There are also special activities, tours and programs for both children and adults.

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