How to Use Spanish at a Taco Stand

Eating at a corner taco stand in Mexico is one of the great joys of life. While it may seem like an "unsanitary" way to eat to many United States citizens, it is akin to eating at the rolling hot dog stands that we have in big cities in the U.S. Here are some Spanish phrases that you might be able to use as you purchase them.


    • 1

      Ask for a "few" tacos using this Spanish phrase: "Quisiera unos tacos, por favor" (kee-see-AY-rah OO-nohs TAH-kohs pohr fah-VOHR), which means, "I would like some tacos, please."

    • 2

      Tell the vendor how many tacos you would like, as he or she will probably ask you "¿Cuántos?" (KWAHN-tohs), which means "How many?" Practice your numbers: one-uno (OO-noh), two-dos (dohs), three-tres (trace), four-cuatro (KWAH-troh), five-cinco (SINK-oh), six-seis (SAY-ees), seven-siete (see-AY-tay), eight-ocho (OH-choh), nine-nuev (noo-AY-vay) and ten-diez (dee-ACE).

    • 3

      Tell the vendor what you want on it, from among the given choices. You can point and say "Quiero esto" (kee-AY-roh EH-stoh), which means "I want this." Check for a menu. If you can read what you want specifically, you can say the word for the food item instead of "esto" in the phrase above.

    • 4

      Find out how much the tacos cost by asking in Spanish, "¿Cuánto es?" (KWAHN-toh ehs). You can also say "¿Cuánto cuestan?" (KWAHN-toh KWAY-stahn) before or after you buy them, which means "How much do they cost?"

    • 5

      Find out if the vendor is there each night by asking "¿Está usted aquí todas las noches?" (eh-STAH oo-STEHD ah-KEE TOH-dahs lahs NOH-chays). If you like the experience, you might want to repeat it often, so it helps to know if the stand will be there from night to night.

    • 6

      Compliment the vendor on the taco, if you think it is very good. Say "El taco está muy rico" (ehl TAH-koh eh-STAH moo-ee REE-koh), which means "The taco is very delicious."

    • 7

      Tell the vendor that the taco is not good, if there is something really wrong with it. Say "El taco es muy malo" (ehl TAH-koh ehs moo-EE MAH-loh), which means "The taco is really bad." Only use this, however, if there is a serious problem with it.

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