How to Travel Cheaply to Cabo San Lucas

Traveling to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, can be expensive, but if you plan appropriately you can do it in a budget-friendly way. Do your homework and take your time in planning your trip to save money and have a great vacation. Be sure to consider staying at all-inclusive resorts, traveling during the off season and taking hotel-provided transportation.


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      Consider traveling during the off season when prices are lower. If you travel during the off season, June through October, you can expect to get up to a 25 percent discount on your flights and accommodations.

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      Search a good-airfare-deal website such as Airfare Watchdog, BootsnAll Travel or CheapOAir to find cheap plane tickets. They do all the searching for you by finding the best deals and letting you know the best times to book.

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      Cabo San Lucas resort

      Find a good all-inclusive resort. By staying at an all-inclusive resort, your meals, drinks, and oftentimes activities and spa services will also be included. If you decide not to stay at an all-inclusive resort, find a hotel with a kitchenette so you can save money by making some of your own meals.

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      Figure out the small details, such as transportation. Check with your hotel to see if transport is included in your package. If not, then the cheapest way to get to your hotel is a shuttle bus. Taxis are expensive and not recommended if you are looking to save money. As of 2010, shuttle fares are $12 to $25, while taxi prices range from $20 to $70.

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