How Would I Find a Nurse to Travel With Me to Europe?

Travel nursing is a popular occupation though it is often more difficult to find a nurse that is certified to travel overseas. Not only are the international travel nurses required to maintain up to date licenses but they are also required to obtain a visa. Depending on who you go through to hire a travel nurse, there are most often regulations on health insurance and travel expenses concerning your travel nurse.

Things You'll Need

  • Research
  • Recommendations
  • Funds
  • Visa
  • License
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      Research hospitals in many larger cities have travel nurses on staff. It's a good idea to hire a travel nurse that is currently employed at a major hospital as you can be certain that the nurse's credentials are up to date. If you have the funds, you may want to limit your research to the most prestigious hospitals as they are more selective when it comes to hiring employees. Though the nurses may be more expensive, you will be sure to get the care that you require.

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      Contact a travel nurse health care company. Travel nurse companies specialize in hiring travel nurses from around the world. Though some nurses are limited to travel within the United States, many companies have employees on staff that are eligible to travel worldwide. Take heed when contacting these companies as you want to ensure that you aren't being scammed. Search for feedback in online forums and look for those companies that have been established for a long period of time. A bonus to hiring a nurse through a travel nurse company, is that the company usually pays for the travel nurse's health insurance and travel expenses. This gives you the convenience of paying on set fee.

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      Place a wanted add in your local newspaper or on online sites such as Craigslist. These tools are viewed by many people who may be looking for employment. However, when interviewing potential nurses, make sure to ask for recommendations, proof of education, and proof of licenses. You may also want to require that the nurse has health insurance in case the nurse is hurt or falls ill on your trip. A downside to hiring a nurse completely on your own, is that you will be expected to pay the majority of the nurse's travel fees, such as flight costs and accommodations.

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