About Cheap Gas

Cheap gas can be a lifesaver if you are trying to save money, however, the long-term savings might not be as much as you think. Cheap gas is cheap because it lacks a few things that the more expensive gas has. It also may not give your car the performance you desire, which could result in lower gas mileage, defeating the purpose of buying it in the first place.

  1. Misconceptions

    • All gas is the same. That's one misconception that cheap gas proves is wrong. After all, if it was all the same, why does some gas cost more? Cheap gas has no cleaning additives or performance enhancers that other higher-priced gas have. It may also have a lower octane level, which means it actually provides less power for your engine.

    The Facts

    • Gas is measured in terms of power, and octane level is the king of those power ratings. Octane levels measure the amount of ignition power (or how fast the gas ignites) which directly affects the performance of your engine. Some higher octane fuels can actually give your car better gas mileage and reduce engine sludge and deterioration of your vital engine parts. That's why they cost more.


    • Cheap gas is great if you are just light on cash and want a quick fill-up. Using cheap gas once in a while is not going to ruin your car, but using it often without adding any cleaners to your tank, can affect your performance. Cheap gas allows you to travel farther on less money, especially when gas prices rise steeply.


    • Cheap gas is refined in much the same way as regular gas is refined. Refineries can use lower grade chemicals to refine their oil which leaves more residues in the gas, and causes engine deposits.

      It does lack a few things that higher-grade gasoline has. There are no fuel additives in cheap gas, which can give your engine a performance boost. These additives are mainly alcohol-based and mixed with the gasoline at the refining stage.

      Cheap gas also has a lower octane level. Some cheap gas includes 10 percent or less of ethanol to offset the cost of oil.

    Risk Factors

    • When you buy cheap gas you run several risks. Since the gas does not burn as cleanly, it will leave deposits on your engine valves which can reduce engine performance and reduce your overall gas mileage.

      You could actually end up spending more on the cheap gas, because your car will get fewer miles to the gallon and you will need to buy more of it. You also risk premature engine failure because of the strain that sludge and deposits put on an engine.

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