How to Find Cheap Hotels in Madagascar

How to Find Cheap Hotels in Madagascar. Roughly the size of Texas, Madagascar is the world's fourth largest island and home to thousands of species of flora and fauna found nowhere else on the planet. Its lush tropical rainforests and unspoiled beaches make it a Mecca for the hearty adventurer. Initially settled thousands of years ago by Polynesians, Madagascar's principal language is Malagasy, a derivative of Indonesian and French, although English is widely spoken.


  1. Locate Cheap Accommodations in Madagascar

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      Book cheap lodgings by calling the Madagascar Tourist Board at 011 (+261) 2022 35178.

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      Consider a side trip to Nosy Be, an island just off the northeast coast of Madagascar dotted with 11 volcanic lakes. Redolent of vanilla and cinnamon, Nosy Be is sometimes called the "Perfumed Isle." It features luxury resort hotels as well as more moderately priced accommodations.

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      Look into visiting one or more of Madagascar's National Parks, which offer opportunities for camping as well as cheap, but comfortable, hotel accommodations.

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      Remember to pack comfortable, climate-appropriate clothing for your stay. Being in the Southern Hemisphere, Madagascar's seasons are the opposite of those in the Northern Hemisphere.

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      Enjoy views of the Indian Ocean. With the exception of the capital, Madagascar's larger cities are located on its coast and they all offer cheap, affordable accommodations. Rooms in the port of Toamasina average less than $100 per night.

    Plan Your Arrival in Madagascar

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      Book a flight on any of the six airlines that offer regularly scheduled service to Madagascar's capital, Antananarivo, including the national airline. From Europe, it's a 14-hour flight, stopping in Kenya.

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      Consider reaching Madagascar by sea. Two cruise lines make the island a regular port of call. Passage can usually be booked on cargo ships coming from Africa, but they do not sail on a regular schedule.

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