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Interesting Places in Seoul

Seoul is the capital city of South Korea, with a population of about 10.3 million people. Korea has history that dates back to 2333 B.C., when King Tan-gun created the kingdom of Choson. Because of the long history, there are a number of historic, cultural and natural sites to visit in Seoul, including the Gyeongbok Palace, Bukchon Village, Mount Bugaksan, the North Seoul Tower and the National Museum of Korea.
  1. Gyeongbok Palace

    • The Gyeongbok Palace was built at the start of the Josean Dynasty in the late 14th century, when Seoul became the capital city of Korea. It was built for King Taejo, and it had been destroyed and taken apart during Japanese invasions in 1865 and 1910 and rebuilt several times.

    Bukchon Village

    • Bukchon Village is a 600-year-old village made up of traditional Korean houses called hanoks with dark-tiled roofs, courtyards and branch-like alleys. It is home to two palaces where people can practice Sung Confucianism as well as cafes and art galleries.

    Mount Bugaksan

    • One of the major mountains in Korea, Mount Bugaksan is 112 feet high. The mountain serves as a backdrop for the city's palaces and features trailheads that lead to gates from the 15th century and a fortress wall that are a part of a historic military landmark, the Seoul Fortress.

    North Seoul Tower

    • The North Seoul Tower is located at Namsan Park, at the 242-meter peak of the mountain. The tower is 480 meters above sea level, and the observation tower offers a view of the whole city. It is possible for visitors to either take hiking trails or take a cable car to the top of the tower.

    National Museum of Korea

    • The National Museum of Korea started out as an imperial display in Changgyeonggung in 1909 and has been relocated a number of times to the Capitol Building, Social Education Center building and Yongsan. The museum has artifacts from different periods, ranging from the Paleolithic Age to the Balhae Kingdom, and art such as Buddhist paintings and sculptures, calligraphy and Buncheong ware.

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