Panama & Bedbugs

Bedbugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of mammals, including humans. True to their name, they are commonly found in and around bedding because of their increased activity at night. Brought to North America by early European colonists, bedbugs are now endemic to many countries in the world, including Panama.
  1. Occurence

    • The common bedbug (Cimex lectularius) inhabits mostly temperate climates farther north from the tropical environment of Panama. Bedbugs can, however, survive and breed in climate-controlled indoor locations such as hotel rooms. With the popularity and speed of air travel, the spread of bedbugs to even remote locations far from their natural environment is possible. Cimex hemipterus is a species of bedbug native to tropical regions which, in addition to feeding on human blood, infests other warm-blooded creatures.


    • Bedbugs can be difficult to see individually, as they are usually only a few millimeters long at full maturity. Infestations of bedbugs will usually involve many of the insects. Wingless and flat, they have a reddish-brown color and a ribbed appearance. The insects are drawn to carbon dioxide and body warmth, and are most active in the hours before dawn. Bedbugs are commonly found in the seams of mattresses and cushions, although they can also travel in clothing and luggage.


    • Bedbugs "bite" by injecting saliva into the skin. The saliva contains agents that restrict the clotting of blood and inhibit any pain. Usually, bites carry a prolonged itching sensation, often accompanied by small red welts. Depending on the number of bedbugs feeding on the host, bites can be sparse or many in number. Despite their parasitic nature, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bedbugs have not been shown to transmit any diseases harmful to humans.


    • Bedbugs can be effectively killed and controlled through a variety of measures. An important factor in limiting the spread of bedbugs is to act on first sight of the insect. Pesticides can be sprayed by exterminators to kill the bugs and their eggs. It is important to kill the eggs, as the insects are capable of quick reproduction. Isolating and removing contaminated furniture can also prevent further infestation. Be sure to check your clothing if you've visited any high-traffic area, such as a movie theater.


    • There is no evidence of a higher incidence of bedbug exposure in Panama. As in any country, furniture in popular locations such as hotel rooms, restaurants and nightclubs can carry the insect. If you find bedbugs in your room or suspect they are biting you, notify the staff immediately and request a different room. If you think the insects may be in your clothes, throw those garments away. This could save you a lot of itching and potential infestation back at home.

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