Clan Tours of Scotland

Several Scottish tour companies offer you the opportunity to tour sites in Scotland while learning more about your heritage. If you are descended from a Scottish clan, these companies will help plan your tour around sites that are important to the history of your ancestors. These tours offer a far more personal vacation in Scotland than general tours, and you can allow the companies to do the bulk of the research into your family's history for you.
  1. Clans and Castles

    • Clans and Castles offers specialized tours to the towns and regions of your clan's ancestry. The company attempts to bring you as close as possible to living your ancestors' history by taking you to ancestral graveyards, clan battle fields and even lodging that is clan appropriate. For instance, if it is possible, Clans and Castles will arrange for you to stay in a castle once owned by your clan, a castle that served as your clan seat, or a home or farm once owned by your forebears. There is no additional charge for any research that Clans and Castles undertakes for your holiday.

      Scottish Clans and Castles Ltd.

      Geddes House

      Nairn, Scotland IV12 5QX


    Scottish Geneaology-Story Tours

    • Scot AnSgeulaiche provides guided genealogy tours for a wide variety of clans in their ancestral homelands throughout Scotland. AnSgeulaiche identifies himself as a Seanachaidh, or bard, and collects and shares oral and written clan histories. On his website, he states, "Think of the service as a Scottish Tour Guide, through the filter of your own clan history." He aims to bring family histories to life through his knowledge of Scottish culture and language, folk customs and even wildlife. There are two tour options: the Step-on tour, which uses your own vehicle, or the Works, which provides transportation.

      Scottish Geneaology-Story Tours


    Ancestral Scotland

    • Ancestral Scotland has a large list of clans which have already been researched and have itinerary suggestions laid out. If your clan name is on the list, you can browse through possible itineraries to find the personalized vacation you prefer. The website offers you the opportunity to research your clan's history, learn about travel deals and accommodations, and find out about festivals that may occur during your planned trip. Ancestral Scotland has a wealth of information to help guide you through planning a tour that is deeply personal to your family's history.

      Ancestral Scotland

      Level 3, Ocean Point 1

      94 Ocean Dr.

      Edinburgh, Scotland EH6 6JH


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