The Best Places to Live in the USA

Lists are released every year from a number of major publications of the top 10, top 50, or top 100 best places to live in the United States. These rankings vary between small towns and big cities and take into account economy, crime rates, arts and culture, weather, and the general happiness of the residents. Many who live in a small town could never be happy in a big city, and vice versa. But the towns that fall in between might be ideal for everyone.

  1. Austin, Texas

    • Known as the live music capital of the world, Austin, Texas regularly makes the list of greatest places to live in the United States. Beyond its music, the film and arts culture is incredibly strong and the population is fresh, cutting-edge, and creative with a strong liberal voice (despite living in the capital of Texas) and a 50,000-strong student population at the University of Texas at Austin. Real estate and high-tech industries also boom: Dell and IBM have bases here, employing tens of thousands of residents. If it weren't for the heat throughout the long summers, Austin, with a metropolitan population of just over 1 million, might be the best American city in which to live.

    Louisville, Colorado

    • With under 20,000 people, Louisville, Colorado is nestled in the Rocky Mountains and was named the best place to live in America by in 2009. Populated with economically conscious hipsters and hippies who all have a good amount of money, the family-friendly and down-to-earth small town has successfully weathered the economic downturn better then anyone. But the great outdoors is the highlight for most residents. With over 30 miles of hiking and biking trails, Rocky Mountain National Park less then an hour away, and major world-class ski resorts just two hours away, Louisville is the ideal Colorado---and American---town.

    Durham, North Carolina

    • Durham's a small city in the beautiful foothills of North Carolina and is considered by U.S. News and World Report to be one of the best places in America to live. With a generally young population and major sports like basketball from Duke University and baseball from the Triple A Durham Bulls minor league team, Durham has numerous sports activities for its over 200,000 residents, as well as beautiful countryside in which to hunt, fish, and hike. With good local schools and universities and a healthy local economy, Durham is an ideal place to live and raise a family in America.

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