How to Compare Rates for Airline Flights

Price comparison sites and online bookings may have simplified airline reservations, but taxes, surcharges and airline fees have muddied the process. According to The New York Times, airline fees generated $8 billion in revenue in 2009 (see Reference 1). The lowest advertised price is not always the best deal, and, increasingly, travelers must compare several different rates when choosing the best airline flight.
  1. Process

    • To find the best rate for your airline flights, make a list of your travel circumstances. Write down the amount of baggage you are bringing as well as any extras you want, such as an in-flight meal. You may also wish to make allowances for miscellaneous expenses, such as snacks during layover or priority boarding for a close connection. Once you have determined what you will need during your flight, you can compare the total cost of each flight.


    • Comparing the cost of airline flights before you travel allows you to budget your travel money. You will also be prepared for fees that many travelers are unaware of: For example, paying for food on the plane or additional fees for booking by phone.


    • As you compare the cost of each flight, consider other issues, such as airport selection and airline preference. Although one airline will inevitably be the cheapest, you may wish to fly from your favorite airport, or fly on an airline that offers frequent flyer benefits. These factors do not have a monetary value, but are nonetheless valuable to some travelers.

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