How to Buy a Seaplane

A seaplane is a means of transport that is as adventurous as it is practical. With the ability to land and take off from open bodies of water, a seaplane can greatly improve your ability to quickly get around while honing both your flying and nautical skills. Buying a seaplane is no everyday task; but following a few simple steps will help guide you through the process.


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      Evaluate your needs and skill level. These two factors will help you decide what kind of seaplane is best for you. As with most airplanes and boats, the larger and more powerful the vessel, the more difficult it is to fly. So, think about your experience and flight hours to determine what's right for you.

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      Decide between a flying boat and a floatplane. Seaplanes are divided into these two sub-categories, so knowing which suits you best will help narrow your search. A flying boat uses its fuselage as the main float while a floatplane floats on two pontoons under the wings.

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      Consider maintenance and storage costs before you buy. Different seaplanes have various maintenance and storage fees associated with them. Hangar space, regular servicing and replacement parts are three essential factors to consider when thinking about taking a plunge for a seaplane.

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      Consult with the Seaplane Pilots Association. The SPA will not only be able to connect you with the right experts and vendors, but also offers a classifieds section where you can browse seaplanes for sale. Even if you don't end up buying through the SPA classifieds, it's a good place to shop around.

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      Fly before you buy. Most reliable seaplane sellers will not only allow but encourage you to take the plane for a test flight before you commit to buying it. Take a seller up on this offer, even if you need to ask a friend or associate to pilot the plane for you.

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