How to Book Travel on Sudan Airways

Sudan Airways is by far the safest and most "commercial" way to travel in the Sudan. They offer meals in-flight, duty-free shopping and most other amenities common on airlines world-wide. They have offices in 15 African countries and the United Kingdom, and fly to many cities throughout Africa and the Middle East, as well as to locations within the Sudan. They have recently added London's Heathrow Airport to their list of destinations and hope to expand to selected cities in the European Union. Follow these steps to book a flight.

Things You'll Need

  • Credit card
  • Passport
  • A computer with Internet access


  1. Book Travel on Sudan Airways

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      Explore the Sudan Airways Web site (see Resources below) for schedules, destinations, route maps and general travel information. This will help you to focus travel plans on your preferred destination and activities. To book your tickets, call the airline's office in the United Kingdom at 011 (+44) (0)20 7631 3373.

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      Find a travel agent. While the Web site promises that it will soon be possible to book tickets online, it is best to get expert help when dealing with non-Western customs. A travel agent will also know the best way to obtain a passport and the necessary visa.

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      See your doctor for the recommended cholera and yellow fever vaccinations. Be sure to get them far enough in advance so they will work.

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      Travel with a group for safety and convenience, unless you're accustomed to Sudanese culture. It's also easier to get a letter of recommendation from the government for a group. Such a letter is required before foreigners can be issued a visa.

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      Apply at the Khartoum Passport and Immigration Office for a special permit if you wish to travel outside the capital city. This will involve additional paperwork and fees.

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