Bus Tours in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

With so many different tourist attractions available, taking a bus tour of Winston-Salem, North Carolina is a simple, cost-effective way to learn about the historically rich area. Many different services are available, with some companies offering private group hire and others offering tours. The only planned tour with the following companies is intended for senior citizens, meaning if you want a bus tour of Winston-Salem, hiring a bus as well as a tour guide is necessary.
  1. First Class Tours, Inc.

    • First Class Tours, Inc. offers a more specialized experience for those wishing to take a bus tour of Winston-Salem. Luxury coaches are offered to clients, with safety and customer satisfaction being the main goals of the company. According to First Class Tours, the various uses for their buses include shuttles, reunions, casino trips, cruise packages, and ministry events.

    Travel on Tours

    • Geared toward senior citizens wishing to tour Winston-Salem, Travel on Tours is committed to providing an up-scale, stress-free trip. The tours are meant to be educational, while still being exciting, catering to both experienced and new travelers. Associates from Travel on Tours have scoured the area for the best restaurants and shops, meaning that tours take customers only to more luxurious locations. Travel on Tours is open Monday through Friday.

    Ben's Discount Tours

    • Available for private hire, Ben's Discount Tours strives to provide excellent coaches at affordable rates. The company also offers discounts to schools and non-profit organizations. Although the company does not have specific tours in Winston-Salem, the company is based in the city. While it may mean a bit of extra planning on your end, the amount saved by being your own tour guide may make the experience worthwhile. Besides offering discounted charter services, Ben's Discount Tours also doubles as a full travel agency, offering help with air transportation, bus transportation, car rental, detail group itinerary, and hotel accommodations.

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