How to Behave on a Cruise

While packing your sunscreen and swimsuit, are you pondering whether there is a correct way to behave while shipboard? Here are a few suggestions that will keep you well within the bounds of appropriate cruise etiquette.


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      Respect the dress code. In general, dress in clothing that is appropriate for a public setting. Cruise lines offer a variety of social environments that may have differing rules for specific attire. Swimwear may not be permitted in a particular restaurant. Dress may be more informal or formal during different times of the day. There may be daily changes in dress code for themed events and activities. Check with cruise staff and the ship's daily news bulletin for information on appropriate clothing.

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      Respect time. Adhere to time limits allotted for use of spa and exercise equipment and facilities. Be on time for reserved or assigned tables and scheduled activities. If you must leave an event early, do not sit in the front or middle of a row. People may consider late arrival and early departure as distracting, disruptive or rude behavior.

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      Manage your children. For the safety and comfort of the children and other passengers, make sure that your children are supervised and engaged in age-appropriate activities. Many cruise lines cater to families, so seek guidance from cruise staff.

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      Smoke only in designated areas.

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      Watch your noise level. Be considerate of others while in your cabin, on deck, and in an audience. People do not want to overhear loud conversations, music and video games.

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      Practice moderation. Do not overindulge in food and alcohol. No one wants to watch someone hit the buffet for the eighth time or fall down in a drunken stupor. Do not horde the deck furniture or save an unreasonable number of seats during an event.

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      Maintain a positive attitude. Inevitably, there will be some challenges on the cruise. There may be long lines, irritating passengers, or minor problems with the accommodations. Take it all in stride, relax and have fun. Be generous with your fellow passengers and the cruise staff.

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