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The Advantages of a Truck Camper

A truck camper, according to the Changin' Gears website, is a living quarters that you can fit onto the bed of your pickup truck. It has legs that support it on the truck while you are driving. When you find a camping spot, you can detach some campers from the truck to rest for the evening. According to the Etruckcampers website, truck campers come in different styles, such as slide-outs, clamshells and pop-ups.
  1. Control

    • Truck campers are easier to control than their larger RV or traditional motorhome counterparts. As the Truck Camper Magazine website points out, trucks have a superior turning radius because they are smaller. You can make turns quickly without needing a larger space to perform such maneuvers. Backing up is easier to do as well, because you don't have to worry about a larger blind spot due to the length and weight of the vehicle you are driving.

    Price/Fuel Costs

    • According to the Truck Camper website, you can expect to spend less than $30,000 on a new truck camper. This is considerably less than you would spend on a traditional RV. The website advises that if you buy your truck camper used, you pay considerably less.

      In addition, the gas mileage is a desirable part of owning a truck camper. The website says that truck campers get 10 to 15 miles per gallon. These numbers are greater than or equal to the miles per gallon of most RVs.


    • As with any other vehicle, you should prepare to shoulder maintenance costs, such as oil changes and repairs. However, as the Truck Camper Magazine website points out, trucks cost much less to service than standard road vehicles or motor homes. As for the campers themselves, their upkeep is easier than for RVs or motor homes because, as is the case with cars and regular pickup trucks, these vehicles only have four wheels; the camper sits in the bed of the truck, and does not have wheels. Thus, according to the Truck Camper Magazine website, there are fewer moving parts to worry about. These factors mean that you don't have to worry about spending much time and money on maintenance.


    • As the Four Wheel Campers website points out, you don't necessarily have to use your truck merely for camping. You can detach the camper part, leave it at home, and use the truck part for everyday transportation, and the back of the vehicle to carry bikes, furniture, tools or anything else.

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