EMB-145SA Specifications

Embraer, short for Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica, is a Brazilian-based aerospace company that produces commercial, military, and executive aircraft. Its fleet includes the ERJ-145, a regional jet that has become a commercial success since its first flight in 1995. In addition to the commercial version, Embraer has also developed the EMB-145SA, also known as the EMB-145AEW&C, which stands for Airborne Early Warning and Control. As of November, 2010, the radar-equipped version is being used by the air forces of Brazil, Mexico, India, and Greece.
  1. General Specifications

    • The Embraer 145-SA (145AEW&C) is manned by a flight crew of two in the cockpit and up to five mission specialists in the main fuselage seated at forward-facing or side-facing consoles. It also includes space for up to three additional crew members as well as extra fuel tanks and equipment. The overall dimensions of the aircraft are 22.2 feet in height, 98.0 feet in length, with a wingspan of 68.11 feet.

    Performance Specifications

    • The Embraer 145-SA (145AEW&C) is powered by two Rolls-Royce-built AE3007 engines that each provides a thrust of 15,160 pounds. Equipped with an air-to-air refueling system, its typical flight-endurance time before refueling is up to eight hours with a range of 6,090 nautical miles. Its maximum altitude is approximately 37,000 feet, with a top speed of Mach 0.78 and a maximum take-off weight of 48,721 pounds, including a payload limit of 12,771 pounds.

    Electronic Specifications

    • The Embraer 145-SA (145AEW&C) is equipped with the Ericsson PS-890 Erieye-phased radar mounted length-wise above the main fuselage. Electronic Support Measures (ESM), communications, and datalink antennas are mounted underneath the fuselage and provide the aircraft with real-time tracking and target prioritization of multiple targets in the air and sea. The radar is capable of 360-degree detection and includes a range of 217 miles, with an extended range of approximately 279 miles. An IFF secondary radar system is fully integrated to detect friendly aircraft in order to prevent friendly-fire incidences.

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