Subway Transportation Issues

Subway travel is a highly popular mode of mass transportation, particularly in tightly packed urban areas. While this form of transportation has its benefits, there are some downsides to relying upon the subway for your daily commute. As you go about deciding whether subway travel is the best option for you, examine the issues and determine whether they are severe enough to stop you from hopping aboard.
  1. Safety

    • Many avoid subway travel for personal safety issues. In some areas, crime within the potentially secluded subway tunnels is a serious problem. If the public becomes aware of a high rate of violent crime in and around subway stations, they may be hesitant to take this transportation option.

      Aside from human-related safety concerns, subway stations can be dangerous in themselves. Subway patrons who are not paying attention, or simply trip and fall, can fall from subway platforms and onto tracks or trip while getting off and on subway trains. These accident-related dangers are not generally enough to keep people from riding the subway but individuals should think about them when considering taking up subway travel.

    Time Schedules

    • As with all forms of mass transportation, those who depend upon the subway for commuting must allow the schedule to influence their daily routines. Unlike car travel, in which the individual can decide when she wants to leave on her own accord, relying on the subway means patrons must not only be aware of travel schedules but also plan around them.

      This is not generally much of a problem in large metro areas where subway travel is very common, because trains depart every five to ten minutes on the most popular routes, reports the New York Public Transit Authority.

    Station Location

    • Those who wish to travel by subway must live close to a subway station or arrange to get to the subway station via a vehicle. In some urban areas housing close to subway stations goes for a premium as many residents are eager to take advantage of this travel form.

    Germ Transmission

    • While few consider the germs that they may come in contract with as they travel via the subway, as CNN reports, germs are often rampant in these underground travel sites. Because so many riders touch subway surfaces, germs are transmitted quite easily on the subway. Even riders who take care to avoid coming into contact with surfaces touched by visibly sick individuals may still be at risk for contracting an illness. They have no way of knowing who touched the subway surfaces and has since left.

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