Types of Shipments

Cargo comes in different sizes, weights and types, regardless how the shipment arrives. Shipments also have different specified delivery dates from cargo to cargo. Whether shipping material to one destination or many, multiple types of shipments can appear on a bill of lading.
  1. Individual Shipment

    • An individual shipment may include one departure location, one form of transportation, one delivery and one destination.

    Aggregate Shipment

    • An aggregate, or collective, shipment may have multiple departure locations and numerous delivery locations. This type of shipment makes at least one delivery by one carrier.

    Blind Shipment

    • A blind shipment occurs when the customer who pays does not provide the shipper's information on the bill of lading to the contracted carrier.

    Multiple Shipment

    • A multiple shipment comprises many shippers or delivery services designated to one consignee, in which the shipper consolidates the numerous shipments as one delivery.

    Installment Shipment

    • An installment shipment means shipping an order in different batches -- or successive shipments -- and at different periods of time as stipulated in the letter of credit.

    Partial Shipment

    • With a partial shipment, an order is delivered in two or more consignments, or batches, if allowed by the customer or under the terms of a letter of credit. The words "partial shipment permitted" appear on the bill of lading to enable this type of shipment.

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