How to Find a Hostel in Portland, Oregon

Hostels are not only the cheapest form of accommodation in Portland, but are a great way to meet people. Portland only has two hostels, but they both offer clean facilities and a friendly staff. You will save money on your room and have access to a full kitchen and laundry. Use this simple guide to decide if you would rather stay downtown at Portland Hostel Northwest or in the Bohemian District at Hawthorne House. As long as you don't mind sharing a bathroom, or sleeping in a bunk under a snorer, you're sure to enjoy your stay.

Things You'll Need

  • Phone
  • Identification
  • Credit card
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    • 1

      Decide if you want to be downtown or across the river in the bohemian district. The downtown area is full of trendy shops, restaurants and nightlife. The bohemian district is a small, busy area known for its cafes, bookstores and alternative medicine shops. It is easier to drive and park in the bohemian district. It is about an hour on foot, or a 15-minute bus ride, from the bohemian district to downtown.

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      Expect to pay $17 to $25 for a bed. Prices depend on the season (the summer is more expensive), location (the bohemian district is cheaper) and with how many people you share a room. Rates do not include Oregon's 12.5 percent lodging tax.

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      Buy a Hostelling International (HI) membership at an HI Hostel. HI hostels charge an extra $3 a night for non-HI members. Both of the hostels in Portland are HI hostels.

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      Decide if you want to be in a big or small hostel. The downtown hostel is large and more institutional, whereas the hostel in the bohemian district is smaller and cozier.

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      Make a reservation. There are only two hostels in Portland, so book in advance, especially during the summer and on weekends. You will need a credit card to secure your bed. Ask the person on the phone any questions about directions, parking and check-in and check-out times.

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