Hotels in Gran Bahia, Samana

When traveling to exotic locations abroad, finding the right hotel is a keystone in the formation of your itinerary. No matter which exotic locale you may choose to venture into, you can always be sure that somewhere you will find a hotel worthy of your attention and patronage. In a location as exotic and serene as Gran Bahia, Samana, on the jutting peninsula of the Dominican Republic, hotels are always within eye shot of a picturesque beach or luxurious lagoon.
  1. Gran Bahia Principe Cayo Levantado

    • Located on a small, outlying island off the coast of Samana, the Gran Bahia Principe Cayo Levantado is a large resort hotel with accommodations for over 200 guests. The island is less than 2 km long and half a kilometer wide, but the entire island, located just 2 short kilometers away from the coast, is occupied entirely by the resort hotel. Guests can choose many large-sized rooms, from junior suites for two to luxurious villas stacked and supplied for several weeks worth of in-house enjoyment. The hotel is stocked with several in-house bars and restaurants; however, for those of a more adventurous nature, you can experience nearby spas, beaches and local theater performances by local players. Horseback riding takes guests all over the island to see the sights from atop an equestrian beauty. Or, if you are less inclined towards beasts of burden, you can vie for the more luxurious option on a coast-strafing skiff.

    Hotel Alisei

    • With apartments for rent and a fully equipped Caribbean Spa right on the grounds, the Hotel Alisei offers its guests of the Samana Peninsula new realms of hospitality. Guests can choose from lofts, villas, apartments and penthouses when choosing their accommodation. But, no matter what rooming is chosen, you will never be too far away from the large central pool or the coastline that you can view with private beach accessibility. Guests can also enjoy local sightseeing and boating along the coast with the resort's private touring service.

    Casa Coson

    • Nestled away in a small corner of the Samana Penensula, Casa Coson occupies a cozy stretch of land located right on a private beach. Guests can enjoy their choice of 10 private houses that will be at their total disposal for the duration of their stay. Houses are outfitted with electricity, cable and Internet as well as fully stocked kitchens, bathrooms, and spacious bedrooms. Guests can also enjoy the in-ground pool located on the grounds, as well as a gourmet restaurant with oceanfront views. However, the resort is located far off the beaten path, so it takes a 20-mile drive to get back to the nearest city where guests can enjoy more activities such as sightseeing, dining and diving.

    Hotel Residence Playa Colibri

    • With over 40 apartments for rent, the Hotel Residence Playa Colibri offers its guests Wi-Fi internet, Jacuzzi pools, beach terraces and high-end libraries. Guests can enjoy beach-front views from virtually any place on the resort because of its location on a jutting tip of the Samana Peninsula. Nearby, guests can also enjoy the opportunities for horseback riding, scuba diving, snorkeling, whale watching and visiting the scenic Lemon Falls located on the Los Haitises National Park.

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