How to Build an Ice Hotel

Ice hotels are tourist destinations made completely out of ice. Visitors not only stop by ice hotels to visit, but many stay overnight in ice. These ice hotels are difficult to construct, since ice is an unreliable building material that must be kept at a very low temperature to remain frozen, yet the temperature must not reach a level that is too cold for the guests. Fortunately, a variety of advances in technology like the snow cannon have made the construction of ice hotels possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Snow cannon
  • Steel manufacturing equipment
  • Ice cutter
  • Ice


    • 1

      Melt down the steel needed in order to create the steel forms that will give the ice hotel shape.

    • 2

      Skim impurities that are in the metal allow and put additives into the steel in order to get it to the right metallurgical balance.

    • 3

      Pour the steel into the beam blank that is in the shape of the structure of the ice hotel.

    • 4

      Cool the melted steel. Then reheat the melted steel.

    • 5

      Run the steel through rollers in order to get the steel smoothed out into the shape that it needs to be.

    • 6

      Cool the steel somewhat and then cut it farther into the lengths necessary to ship the steel forms.

    • 7

      Cool the steel further until it has completely hardened.

    • 8

      Use the steel beams to construct the steel forms that will determine the shape of the ice hotel. How these steel forms are built will be different from building to building.

    • 9

      Spray ice on the steel forms using a snow cannon and allow the ice to harden. The snow cannon is a device that combines water and pressurized air in order to create tiny droplets that turn to ice as soon as they hit an object.

    • 10

      Remove the steel forms from the ice after the ice has been hardened for several days. The steel forms are carefully removed by attaching cranes to the tops of the steel forms and then gradually lifting the steel forms out without damaging the snow structures.

    • 11

      Extract enormous ice blocks from anywhere that a large amount of ice is located. Ice blocks are extracted using a snow cutting machine that uses a snow saw to slice blocks out of the snow.

    • 12

      Cut these ice blocks into cubes. These ice blocks will be used in order to create walls in the corridors that will section off different rooms.

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