What Does Public Amenities Mean?

Things that make life easier or more enjoyable are amenities--meaning they are unnecessary, but desirable. Examples of amenities are things like escalators and toilets; they assist in making life more convenient yet are not required for survival. Public facilities and utilities are other types of amenities.
  1. Examples

    • When amenities are available to anyone legitimately using an area and/or offered as general social courtesies, they become public amenities. Examples of public amenities are parks, water fountains, public restrooms, golf courses and payphones.

    No Additional Charge

    • Typically financed by the areas in which they are governed (private or public), public amenities are offered usually without any additional charges to the people using them.


    • Public amenities such as beaches and highways are usually financed through tax dollars. Alternatively, they may be privately funded, such as public amenities available within an office building. Charitable donations also can fund public amenities.

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