Beach House Rentals in the Bahamas

Many people have gone from checking into a hotel to renting a house while away on vacation. It offers certain opportunities that hotels cannot. Whether it is the privacy factor, having more room for the family, or even the option of cooking, there are many homes available for rent in the Bahamas.
  1. General Beach House Rental

    • A colorful way to spend vacation

      The Bahamas is made up of 700 islands, leaving lots of beach huts for rent, each with their own unique qualities. offers listings around the world. With new properties posted often, they cover houses on many of the islands. The site is easy to navigate, with many photos so you can choose what looks best for you. They also clearly publish their prices, making it nice to be certain you are within your budget. Corporate Offices
      17775 Main St., Suite A
      Irvine, CA 92614
      (949) 863-0050

    Eleuthera Specific

    • is island-specific. Run by a husband and wife team who live on the island, they give the feel of offering insider information. The site offers many suggestions and recommendations from locals, and the island is a mere one-hour from Miami. Here you cannot only decide which beach house is right for you, but you can plan many excursions and activities for your trip. While the couple provides information about themselves, there is not a contact number or address. Through the website, you must fill out a contact form and wait for a response.

    Rent from Owners

    • Enjoy a cool drink.

      For individual listings,, offers a direct link to individual owners and their websites. Here, you will have direct contact with the people who choose to rent out their homes. It gives a very hands-on feel to choosing your perfect fit. Broken down by island, the site is simple to scroll through. You might find yourself taken in by all the individual stories of the owners, as they all have unique reasons for getting into running vacation rentals on the islands. Each owner also provides different recommendations for her favorite parts of the island.

    All Types of Lodging

    • Lodging4Vacations, another collection of homes, acts as a broker between you and the owner. For those who like a reputable company with an extensive track record, they have been in business for a number of years. They handle reservations all over the world. Beyond the rentals they also have an extensive list of travel resources, including some of the best ways to get in and out of the Bahamas.

      2326 West St.
      Bishop, CA 93514
      (760) 872-4098

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