How to Dress Smartly for Travel in Italy

Dressing smartly is about more than just looking good; it's about being comfortable in your environment and blending in with local culture. By following a few tips to prepare for your Italian adventure, you'll enjoy "la dolce vita."

Things You'll Need

  • Pants or long skirts
  • Lightweight jacket or shawl
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Money belt
  • Comfortable shoes


    • 1

      Pack clothes that fit well and are conservative. Italians tend to dress less casually than Americans, so leave skin-baring items like miniskirts and shorts at home.

    • 2

      Invest in a pair of comfortable leather shoes. Flat shoes or sandals with good supports are recommended for walking the numerous cobblestone-paved streets and sidewalks that lead to museums, churches, archaeological sites and historical areas.

    • 3

      Wear a money belt hidden under your clothes to carry your cash, credit cards and identification.

    • 4

      Respect dress codes for churches. Bring a cardigan or shawl to cover tank tops or short-sleeved shirts, and wear knee-length skirts or long pants.

    • 5

      Bring a wide-brimmed hat or parasol and a pair of dark sunglasses for trips to archaeological sites and other sunny attractions.

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