How to Dress for Paraguay

Your flight is booked and your itinerary is set; now the only thing left to do is pack your bags for Paraguay. But you may be wondering how to dress for your trip to this South American nation. You don't want to stand out, but you want to be comfortable no matter what season you plan on visiting. Keep reading to find out what to pack.


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      Take into account the time of year. Paraguay is a tropical climate and is very hot and humid during the months of December to March. You should dress in cool clothes, and bring along a hat and sun screen to protect yourself from the elements. During the winter months, June through September, it can get quite cold and you're likely to experience snow or other harsh conditions.

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      Dress like the natives do. If you want to blend in when visiting Paraguay, don some local dress. Men wear bombachas, which are baggy pants tied at the waist, along with straw hats with large brims to protect their faces from the sun. Paraguayan women wear cotton dresses and shawls.

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      Cover up. Since Paraguay is a Catholic country, you need to be mindful of the culture when you're visiting. Forgo revealing tops and short shorts in favor of loose, cool fabrics like cotton and linen. You will stay protected from the elements and be considerate of others around you.

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