How to Dress for Bolivia

Bolivia is a country diverse in climate, ecology and culture, which can make choosing how to dress a bit difficult. What you choose to wear may change day by day, as you travel from city to pueblo, highland to jungle, so preparing ahead of time is essential. While you can buy just about any form of clothing while traveling, proper planning can save you time, frustration and money.


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      Layer your clothing, as the temperature can vary from region to region, as well as from morning to night. Bring at least one warm sweater or light-weight fleece that you can wear in the evenings.

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      Avoid tight fitting or provocative clothing, if you are a woman. The women of Bolivia generally dress modestly. Bring a wrap skirt and a shawl, both light-weight and functional for covering legs and shoulders to avoid unwanted attention.

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      Wear button-up shirts or blouses instead of t-shirts to make, so as not to stand out as a tourist. This is important, because you do not want to make yourself a target for criminals.

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      Bring comfortable athletic shoes or hiking boots, if you are traveling to the Amazon region. The rural streets of Bolivia are made mostly of cobblestone or dirt. Though open toed shoes may breath well, they are not the most practical choice.

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      Pack raincoats, waterproof shoes and umbrellas, if you plan on visiting the tropical plains of Eastern Bolivia or the Yunga Valley region. While the climate is relatively warm in these tropical regions, they are characterized by high humidity and heavy rainfall. Dress appropriately and keep dry.

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