How to Dress for a New England Summer

Ask a New Englander what the weather is like and the response will be, "Wait a minute and I'll tell you." Summer in New England can vary from hot/humid to cool/damp and anywhere from 60-100 degrees. Here's some suggestions on how to dress for a New England summer.

Things You'll Need

  • shorts
  • jeans
  • light jackets
  • sandals
  • capris
  • sneakers
  • hiking boots
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      Are you vacationing near the ocean? Plan on taking a light windbreaker or jacket, cotton sweater, jeans, capris, sneakers or boat shoes, shorts, t-shirts, bathing suits, and sandals. Try to find sandals that can get wet such as Tevas or LL Bean's Maine Isle flip-flops. Capris should be light and comfortable for walks along the beach. A cotton sweater is great for the cool nights or rainy days. Think layers when traveling the New England coast.

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      Are you vacationing in the mountains? Actually, as you go inland, temperatures are higher especially July and August when temps can reach 100 degrees. Nights, though, may plummet to 60 or less. Pack hiking boots, socks, cargo jeans or shorts if you plan on climbing mountains. New England has great hiking trails. Don't forget the t-shirts and sandals that can handle dirt roads and rough terrain. Bring a hooded sweatshirt for cool nights and to keep the mosquitoes at bay.

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      Are you vacationing near a farm? New England is known for farms and beautiful fields, but air conditioning is sparse. If you are staying at a Bed 'n Breakfast, you may only have a fan. Pack light pajamas. For rainy days, pack light jackets and light jeans. For hot days, shorts and t-shirts or short sleeve shirts. Bring a light sweater for the cool evenings and bathing suits for the lakes and pools.

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