How to Dress for Venezuela

Venezuela is a tropical climate located along the equator, which allows the area to have consistent weather year round. The country is located along the Caribbean Sea on the northern coast of South America. Before you travel to Venezuela, you should carefully consider what you'll wear.


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      Leave your designer clothes at home. Venezuela has a high level of poverty and your shoes could cost more than the average person makes in a month. You need to wear inexpensive jewelry and watches as you travel. For business, both women and men should wear a dark business suit.

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      Dress for the beach. At the beach you can wear tank tops, shorts, swimwear and sandals. There isn't a strong preference for a specific type of swimwear. It's inappropriate dress in this attire unless you're at the beach or the pool.

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      Buy your clothes in Venezuela. This ensures that you are dressed to blend in. Even if you don't buy your wardrobe here, you can buy jewelry and other accessories that are popular and inexpensive.

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      Wear conservative clothing. Men need to wear a jacket and occasionally a tie for social events and dining out. Women should dress to accentuate their best features. You must not dress in baggy pants, baggy jeans or shorts. Tight pants and skirts of any length are acceptable.

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      Know the current events for Venezuela. Wearing a shirt with "U.S.A." on it can lead to violence against you, or at least incivility. Wearing expensive clothing or carrying too much money on your person can result in you being targeted for kidnapping.

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