How to Dress for Uruguay

Traveling in Uruguay can be a lot of fun, especially if you know how to dress for the climate. With a little bit of research, you can rest assured that you'll be properly dressed for a trip to Uruguay no matter what the weather is like.


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      Look in your own closet. Uruguay, like many other countries in this region have adopted Western dress, so you can likely wear things that you already own. Jeans and t-shirts for men are acceptable as well as shorts and skirts for women.

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      Keep it low key. Depending on where you're traveling, consider dressing conservatively. Avoid wearing flashy jewelry or other items that would draw attention to yourself. Wear simple colors and basic accessories.

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      Stay cool. If you travel in the summer months, you need to be mindful of the sun. The UV rays are particularly strong in this region of South America, so you should wear long-sleeve shirts, hats and plenty of sunscreen to protect yourself from sunburn and skin damage.

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      Wear comfortable shoes. You'll spend the majority of your trip walking, so wear comfortable tennis shoes with thick socks. If you plan on traveling in the winter, boots with a good tread are recommended.

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      Try on some native attire. In many parts of the country, the men dress in gaucho style, which is a Spanish cowboy style. Large ponchos, baggy pants and spurs are a common sight among the natives in the country. Women don dresses and long skirts.

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