How to Look Great After a Red Eye Flight

The dry, re-circulated air in the cabin of an aircraft tends to dehydrate your skin much faster than you can drink your mineral water. Add to this the cramped quarters and the seemingly endless hours in the air, and you hardly have a recipe for a glowing and fresh looking complexion, bright eyes and lustrous hair--no matter how great you look when you get on board the plane. Here are a few pointers on how to look great after a red-eye flight, when you step off the plane.


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      Drink water. Lots and lots of water. Do not worry about the number of times you may have to visit the miniscule bathroom, just do it. Do not drink alcohol or coffee and give tea a miss as well because they will only dehydrate you even more. The same goes for anything salty such as chips or salted nuts.

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      Carry on a mineral water misting sprays. Using this will keep you feeling fresh, while replenishing some more of the much-needed water that your body has lost.

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      Slather on a good moisturizer. Also, ensure that your lips are constantly kept moist with regular application of lip balm.

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      Have face wipes handy. Make sure they are the kind that are formulated for sensitive skin, because during a red eye flight, your skin will be quite delicate and will flush easily. You don't want to arrive looking all red-faced. The wipes will also be handy for wiping the back of your neck, which is great for freshening up.

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      Travel in some light, loose fitting clothes. By the end of your flight, however, they will look like something that you bought from a yard sale and have slept in ever since.As such, carry on some clothes that will not take up too much space and will still look good after being rolled up in your hand luggage during your flight. These just need to be a couple of key pieces, so that at least on the outside, you will not look too crumpled. If this is not possible, then make sure that you have a great looking jacket stored in the locker above your head to cover the fact that your blouse makes you look like you stowed away in the hold.

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      Get as much sleep as you can during the flight. If you can't sleep, then try to relax and use an eye mask to help you look as bright eyed as possible. There are some great eye drops available on the market that will be of great help for this purpose. When you do sleep, however, it is advisable to ask the stewardess for a pillow rather than use a rolled-up sweater, which may likely leave impressions in your skin that you may not be able to get rid of for a couple hours later.

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      Do not even think about wearing make up during the flight. Unless there is someone you wish to impress on the plane, then put on your make up only when you get changed prior to landing. What's the point of looking a million dollars for the elderly couple seated next you, only to arrive with a residue of mascara smudged around your eyes when you do meet the person that really matters. What's more, with the amount of moisturizer and spray that you will be using during the flight, there is very little chance of make up surviving in tact.

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      Keep your hair away from your face. It is very difficult to maintain a carefully coiffed hairstyle when you have your head squashed up against a pillow and wearing an eye mask. A hat may be a better option.

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      About half an hour before you are due to land, visit the minuscule bathroom (with which you will now be well acquainted due to all the water that you have been drinking), with your make up and fresh change of clothes and you will be able to transform yourself into an absolute stunner that the stewardess and your fellow passengers won't even recognize. Do not feel pressured to hurry out–any masterpiece takes time to complete. Then you will then be able to step off the plane looking like an absolute star.

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