How to Find Voodoo in New Orleans

Voodoo is one of the many intriguing facets of New Orleans, right up there with jazz music and Mardi Gras. The religion of Voodoo in New Orleans comes from ancient practices that originate in Africa, also known as "Voudon." The first mention of voodoo in New Orleans was contained in official documents during the Spanish rule in 1782. If you are looking to experience voodoo when you come for a visit, here's how to find it.


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      Visit the New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum, at 724 Dumaine Street, for a good overview.

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      Seek out sites connected to Marie Laveau, the Queen of Voodoo in New Orleans. Look for anything and everything that has a tie to her.

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      Check out the many voodoo shops in town. One is Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo, at 714 Bourbon Street.

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      Visit the cemetery St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 on Basin Street, where Marie Laveau is said to be entombed. Thousands of tourists visit her tomb yearly.

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      Visit the Voodoo Spiritual Temple on 828 N. Rampart Street. While you're there, you might as well see Marie Laveau's house, which is right around the corner.

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      Be open to gaining insight on voodoo. You might want to attend a voodoo public event such as a ritual or lecture. You can be part of a ghost-telling session, or a voodoo doll-making get-together.

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