How to Say Welcome in Spanish

The proper way to say the word "welcome" in Spanish differs according to the context. To choose the correct variation, you must know how many people you are speaking to and the message you want to convey. The Spanish spoken in Spain sometimes differs from that in Latin America, and there can be dialect and regional differences as well. The most common forms of "welcome" are fairly simple to remember.


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      Greet someone arriving at a new place by using the correct gender form of the word. Use "bienvenido" to welcome a lone man and "bienvenida" to welcome one woman.

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      Welcome an arriving group by using a plural form of the word. Use "bienvenidos" to welcome a group of men or a mixed group of men and women; use "bienvenidas" to welcome a group of women.

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      Make a welcoming statement, such as welcoming a speaker at conference, by saying "dar la bienvenida." Use the same phrase for a man or a woman.

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      Say "you're welcome" in response to a thank you by saying "de nada." This means "it was nothing" and is a typical response to "gracias," or "thanks." In some locations, such as Venezuela, the correct response is "a la orden," or "at your order."

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