Living With Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a viral infection passed to humans when they are bitten by infected mosquitoes. Symptoms include extreme lethargy, headaches, rash, fever and vomiting. The only cure for dengue fever is rest.


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      The most important part of living with dengue fever is proper treatment of the disease. Rest is the best way to treat the lethargy, headache and fever associated with the disease. The illness usually lasts about 10 days, but symptoms, most notably lethargy, can exist for up to a month. Also, you can take acetaminophen to help with muscle and joint pain.

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      To live with dengue fever, you also must monitor the disease and your symptoms. Dengue fever can progress into dengue hemorrhagic fever, which can be fatal. The advanced disease is characterized by bleeding from the nose, mouth and gums, and requires immediate medical assistance.

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      You must also stay away from mosquitoes when infected with dengue fever. The disease is spread through mosquitoes, which become carriers of the virus when they bite humans infected with the fever. It is not possible to transmit the virus through human-to-human contact, because it is only transmitted by mosquitoes.

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      When living with dengue fever, always follow the advice of your doctor. As the symptoms begin to subside, you can begin to resume normal activities, the pace of which should be determine by how you feel and recover from the disease.

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