How to Pack a Travel Bag

Vacations, road-trips and business trips have something in common--they require you to pack a travel bag. The usual questions arise, how many shoes to take, how many outfits you will need and the best way to transport cosmetic products, including shampoo and lotion. Planning ahead can make packing a travel bag less of a chore.


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      Make a list. Determine the number of outfits you will need. Choose clothes in the same color scheme so pieces can be easily mixed and worn again. List all toiletries, medications and any travel documents you will need. Checking items off the list as they are packed can help ensure you don't leave home without an essential medication or piece of clothing.

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      Pack clothes properly. Pants should be folded in half lengthwise and placed along the length of the travel bag. Shirts can be folded or rolled. Rolling wrinkle-free shirts can help free up some space in your bag. Shoes can be placed in a plastic bag and placed along the sides of your suitcase.

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      Reduce bulk. Limit the number of shoes you pack and use the inside of your shoes to store your socks for travel. Pack shampoos, conditioners and lotions in 3-oz. travel size containers. Place liquid items in a plastic bag to keep them from leaking onto luggage contents.

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      Consider regulations and security. Check with the Transportation Security Administration website to verify allowable items for carry-on and checked luggage. Medications, travel documents and any valuables should be packed in your carry-on.

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