Gift Ideas for RV Owners

Choosing a gift for an RV owner is not that hard--if you put yourself in the RV owner's shoes. Even super-sized motor homes have limited space, so avoid knickknacks that take up space without serving a purpose. Instead, try to focus on practical gifts. If possible, check out your friend's RV before selecting a gift to avoid giving him something that may already be in his rig.
  1. eBook Reader

    • Consider an eBook reader, such as Barnes and Noble’s Nook or Amazon’s Kindle. Hardback and paperback books take up a lot of space in an RV and once they’ve been read they need to be stored or disposed of. Some eBook readers can store about 1,500 books. Daily newspapers can also be delivered directly to a reader.

    Portable GPS

    • Most new cars and RVs already have some sort of a Global Positioning System (GPS). But if an RV or motor home owner doesn’t have one in his rig or vehicle, a portable GPS device can be a welcome and useful gift. Some portable GPS devices are the size of a cell phone.

    Portable Fire Ring

    • Part of the fun of an RV is enjoying a campfire on a starry night. A portable fire ring can make it easy to set up a campfire and eliminate searching for rocks to make a ring.

    Road Atlas

    • Even if your friend's RV is equipped with a state-of-the-art GPS, a current United States road atlas is a useful addition. The Rand McNally Road Atlas is one of the best-selling atlases in the United States.

    First-Aid Kit

    • Deluxe first-aid kits, stuffed with emergency medical supplies, are often sold at discount stores. First-aid kits periodically need to be updated or replaced. Other emergency supplies, such as flares or flashlights, are also a good gift idea.

    Mini Office

    • Fill a small tin with an assortment of stationery supplies--paper, pens, pencils, pencil sharpener, envelopes, stamps, scissors, tape and a stapler. On the road, a mini-office will be appreciated.

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