Travel Ideas for Seniors

Traveling for many senior citizens is not only relaxing but rewarding. Seniors can take advantage of travel discounts that range from restaurants to lodging to full vacation packages. Although certain destinations are not always age appropriate or practical for seniors, there are still many travel ideas on which seniors can embark.
  1. Disney Theme Parks

    • Disney theme parks were designed for any age. Although many of the rides and park themes can seem juvenile, it's difficult for seniors to resist feeling youthful around Disney's playful surroundings.

      Exploring the theme parks does require plenty of walking, but the parks do provide wheelchairs for those who tire easily and grant expedited entrance into most attractions. It's also a great travel destination for the entire family, especially if grandchildren happen to tag along.


    • A cruise is an excellent option for senior travelers because of the many onboard amenities. Travel to a variety of destinations is made in the comfort of a ship instead of on tight airplane seats or uncomfortable bus rides.

      Wellness programs, spas, and senior-friendly exercises are on board to make seniors feel rejuvenated. Dietary considerations are also catered to meet any type of specialty requirements for passengers. There are wheelchair-accessible cabins and handicapped services offered throughout the ship.

      Arriving at the ports of destination is an added travel value, but for those who have difficulty walking, continuous activities are offered onboard the docked ship for those who prefer not to disembark. Many cruise lines also offer discounts to seniors over the age 55.

    European Tour

    • Lac du Mondély, located in the Pyrenees in France is great for nature lovers. It offers fresh water, scenic and secluded yet wild surroundings and crisp golden sand. Accommodations are located about 15 miles to the southeast in Foix or flights can be taken to Carcassonne with some budget airlines.

      London also offers many historical sites that seniors will value and enjoy. During the summer, Buckingham Palace and the Royal Academy of Arts offer a series of events and exhibitions. Other valuable attractions include the British Library, the Victoria & Albert Museum and the Tower of London.

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