Travel Ideas for Children

Sometimes the hardest part of planning an ideal family vacation is selecting something the entire family, including children, will enjoy. Planning guides and websites can lump vacations into two categories: those with kids and those without. However, the more important factor when traveling with children is getting ideas based on your children's ages, because an enjoyable trip with a 3-year-old looks a lot different than a trip with a 12-year-old.
  1. Trips with Toddlers

    • Traveling with children under age 6 is about pace and activity. Whether you fly or drive for your trip, bring plenty of activities for young children to keep themselves busy including books, toys, snacks and songs. Pace yourself, too. Don't try to jam too much into the trip; allow time for naps, bathroom breaks and unstructured play time, so kids are not strapped into a stroller or car seat for the duration. Visit nearby cities and visit attractions like aquariums, zoos and science museums. Look for parks with water playgrounds and pools. Build sandcastles or chase seagulls at the beach. Simple vacations with inexpensive attractions are options for this age.

    Trips with Grade Schoolers

    • As your children get older, and are aged 6 to 12, your trip options open up. Trips to nearby theme parks, as well as larger tourist attractions like Disney World or Disneyland, LEGOLAND, SeaWorld or Busch Gardens may now be worth the high admission prices, since your children are older, can do more in a day, and get more enjoyment out of the rides.

    Trips with Pre-Teens

    • Children aged 8 to 12 may enjoy a more unique and rustic trip, such as backpacking as a family or a camping adventure in a national park. Try fun, outdoor activities like canoeing, white-water rafting, fishing, hiking and bike-riding together.

    Trips with Teens

    • If you've been saving up for a family vacation for a while and want to treat your teenage kids to a memorable event, go on a cruise together as a family. Cruise lines offer separate activities for adults, teenagers, and younger children as small an infants. However, teenagers may appreciate a cruise more than younger children, as more shore excursions and onboard activities are open to them. Enjoy family time together at night for dinner and excursions together on port days. While at sea, Teenagers can meet other cruisers their age, dance, eat and play, so you have time to yourself while not being concerned for your teen's safety or enjoyment. All-inclusive resorts offer similar, structured options for teens if you're not interested in cruising.

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