How to Tour Japan by Motorcycle

Japan is the country of modern motorcycles, so what better place to tour on a chopper? Follow these steps to plan your next motorcycle tour of this Pacific nation.

Things You'll Need

  • Deductible for motorcycle insurance
  • Riding gear
  • Valid health insurance
  • Valid motorcycle license
  • Valid passport
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    • 1

      Find the Edelweiss Bike Travel touring company on their Web site, or call 011 (+114)36 644407266 if you are interested in touring Japan by motorcycle.

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      Pick the dates for your tour. Tours of Japan run through October and are eleven days long with seven days of riding. It is recommended that you stay longer to soak up more of the Japanese culture.

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      Decide how many riders that will be going on the tour with you. Give each rider's information, including name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, number of years of motorcycle riding experience, driver's license number and a passport number.

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      Place a deposit down for each rider by credit card and confirm the dates for the trip.

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      Select a motorcycle.

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      Make arrangements to get to Tokyo, Japan. Your flight costs are not part of the tour package. Depending on where you are flying from, you might need an extra day before the tour begins to get back on a schedule due to time differences and jet lag.

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