Cheap Vegas Hotels & Flights

Airfare and hotel deals to Las Vegas vary by time of year, availability and city of departure. Travelers are bombarded with promotions from vacation packagers, discount travel websites and travel agents year round. They're all viable options to save money on your Vegas trip, but there are other one-stop shopping choices for flight/hotel packages to the gambling capital of the U.S.
  1. US Airways Vacations

    • US Airways offers special hotel and airfare packages for many of its destinations, including Las Vegas. As of August 2010, it provided discounted airfare and hotel rates for 35 partner hotels in Vegas. Whether your tastes run to the luxurious Bellagio to moderately-priced suites at the Rio, there's a hotel on the list for every price range. Travelers should book at least seven days in advance for best prices, but good rates are available with as little as two days notice, depending on hotel. Regular US Airways customers will receive dividend miles for vacation packages booked through US Airways' vacations. The Las Vegas Perks coupon booklet, which offers discounts on $1,200 worth of shows and attractions, is only available by booking a trip on US Airways' Vacations.

      US Airways Vacations

      111 W. Rio Salado Pkwy.

      Tempe, AZ 85281

      800- 455-0123

    Southwest Vacations

    • Las Vegas is Southwest Airlines' most popular destination. The airline partners with several top Vegas hotels to give passengers discounts on room rates and other perks. For example, passengers traveling to Las Vegas from San Francisco receive a 30 percent discount on airfare and a three-night stay at Treasure Island hotel, the home of Cirque du Soleil's "Mystere." Travelers can book a customized air and hotel package to Wynn Las Vegas Hotel. The savings increase depending on the number of nights booked. You can get free economy rental car from Dollar by booking airfare and a hotel room for five or more nights.

      Southwest Vacations

      Customer Service

      P.O. Box 1460

      Milwaukee, WI 53201


    MGM Resorts Vacations

    • The Bellagio, New York, New York, the Luxor and Circus Circus are just a few of the MGM hotels and resorts in Las Vegas. Instead of booking hotel and airfare separately, vacationers can contact MGM Resorts Vacations and book their flight and hotel rooms online using the MGM website. Southwest is MGM's preferred airline; however, you have the option to choose any airline from the drop-down menu of choices. MGM Resorts Vacations offers deals and promotions from time to time. Guests can save 20 percent on a flight and hotel package at Mandalay Bay if they book by the end of September 2010, for example.

      MGM Resorts Vacations

      8969 N. Port Washington Road

      P.O. Box 1460

      Milwaukee, WI 53201


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