How to Book Cheap Flights & Hotels

As the cost of travel continues to increase, many travelers are desperate to find ways to save money. Instead of cutting back on the length of trips or staying at lower cost hotels, many travelers are taking advantage of online booking websites where they can get tremendous savings by booking flights and hotels together as opposed to individually. Fortunately, there are a number of different sites that allow for low-cost flight and hotel booking .


    • 1

      Navigate to a last-minute-travel booking website such as Cheaptickets, Travelzoo, Lastminute, Lastminutetravel or any number of others. Enter the dates of the trip as well as the departure and arrival cities. Select a discounted hotel and flight package from the results that come up. Choose a hotel by pressing "Select" and choosing the number of beds and type of room required. Complete the booking by selecting specific departure and arrival flights and by entering billing information.

    • 2

      Go to a flight and hotel booking engine such as Kayak, Expedia, Hotwire, Travelocity, Priceline or any number of others. Enter the dates of travel, the departure and arrival cities, number of travelers, their ages and the number of rooms required during the stay. Click the button for "Flights and hotels" or "Find flight and hotel." Select a flight and hotel package by pressing the appropriate price. Choose a room type on the next page and complete the booking by entering the required booking information.

    • 3

      Register with any of the large hotel and flight booking engines to receive promotional coupons. Once you've received a coupon, go to the same flight and hotel booking engine, enter the information about what you're looking for, and choose a flight and hotel package. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the coupon code received via email in the box marked "I have a promotion code." Press the "continue to booking" button to apply the discount and complete the booking.

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